It’s remarkable how one experience can change your path forever.

For me, that “experience” was the first time I soaked for 90 mins in water laden with 1,000 lbs of dissolved Epsom salt heated to skin temperature in a pitch black room while wearing ear plugs. At that time in my life, to say I was skeptical about the “healing powers of self care” would be an understatement. I never could have imagined that five years later I would drop everything and dedicate my life to offering a similar experience to others: to facilitate people on their own journey of self-care from the comfort of their own homes. But, before we dive into our history, let me first introduce myself. My name is Kevin, and I am the founder of Unplugged Essentials.

The founder of Unplugged Essentials relaxing in a luxurious bath overlooking a wooded beach area.
The founder of Unplugged Essentials deep in thought and looking to the future.

“To curate experiences that stimulate the body and mind in an effort to facilitate growth and self awareness is, at its core, what Unplugged Essentials stands for as a brand.
Kevin Rose Jr.Founder

The original mission, inspired by my profound float experience, was to open a float center in my hometown of New Bedford, Ma. After about two years of planning and trying to raise the funds for our massive build out, it became abundantly clear that we would have to pivot in order to make our goals a reality. I wondered how we could mimic the experience of floating – at least the physical benefits – and offer it as a take-home event that is accessible to everyone. That thought experiment prompted our journey into the product world and compelled us to research and develop a way to curate an experience we could be proud of.

Our Process

Driven by our passion for natural wellness, we are dedicated to researching the benefits and sourcing of all our ingredients, ensuring a harmonious blend with synergistic effects.


We aim to offer an immersive sensory experience that uplifts the senses and promotes a balanced and empowered lifestyle.


We only source organically grown plant-based materials, and all of our products are made simply with under 15 ingredients each.


Produced in small batches with attention to detail, we ensure that each offering is made with love.


All of our soak packaging is made with compostable materials and we plan to offer all compostable packaging by end of year 2024.

Episode 1 : The Who, How & Why
Behind Unplugged Essentials 

The Future of Unplugged...

The objective of Unplugged has always been to introduce an immersive in-person experience incorporating various wellness modalities. Think spa/wellness retreat that delivers simple wellness modalities like floating, contrast therapy, cryotherapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

With us paying special attention to each sensory input and texture within the space, we intend to truly help you unplug, recover and evolve in the near future.

The Team

A picture of the Founder of Unplugged Essentials.

Kevin Rose Jr.

A picture of the COO of Unplugged Essentials.

Monica Ferracioli

A picture of the Customer representative of Unplugged Essentials

Kiana Rose

Customer Relations
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